How to Grow Garlic: Complete Growing Guide
Quick Summary
Growing garlic is a rewarding process that takes about 8-9 months. Plant individual cloves in fall, about 6 inches apart and 2 inches deep, in well-draining soil. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, and harvest when the leaves begin to yellow and die back in summer.
What You'll Need
- Garden trowel or spade
- Garden fork
- Watering can or hose
- Garden gloves
- Garlic bulbs (seed garlic)
- Well-draining soil
- Compost or organic matter
- Mulch (straw or leaves)
Choosing Your Garlic
Hardneck Varieties
- Better for cold climates
- Produces flower stalks (scapes)
- Larger cloves, stronger flavor
- Shorter storage life
Softneck Varieties
- Better for mild climates
- No flower stalks
- More cloves per bulb
- Longer storage life
Pro Tip: Buy seed garlic from a reputable supplier rather than using grocery store garlic, which may be treated with growth inhibitors.
Planting Instructions
1. Prepare the Soil
- Choose a sunny location
- Dig soil to 6-8 inches deep
- Mix in compost or aged manure
- Ensure good drainage
Pro Tip: Garlic prefers slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.
2. Prepare the Cloves
- Break apart garlic bulbs
- Select largest, healthiest cloves
- Keep papery covering intact
- Plant within 24 hours of separation
3. Plant the Cloves
- Space cloves 6 inches apart
- Plant 2 inches deep
- Point tip upward
- Cover with soil
- Apply 2-3 inches of mulch
Caring for Your Garlic
- Keep soil consistently moist
- Water deeply when dry
- Reduce watering when leaves yellow
- Stop watering 2 weeks before harvest
- Apply balanced fertilizer in spring
- Side-dress with nitrogen monthly
- Stop fertilizing when bulbs begin forming
- Remove weeds regularly
- Maintain mulch layer
- Cut off flower stalks (scapes)
- Watch for pests and disease
Harvesting and Storage
When to Harvest
- Lower leaves begin yellowing
- Top 5-6 leaves still green
- Usually in mid-summer
- Check one bulb first
Harvesting Steps
- Loosen soil with fork
- Gently pull plants
- Keep roots and stems attached
- Handle bulbs carefully
Curing and Storage
- Brush off excess soil
- Hang in bundles or lay on screens
- Keep in warm, dry, well-ventilated area
- Cure for 2-3 weeks
- Store in cool, dry place
Common Problems and Solutions
Small Bulbs
- Poor soil fertility
- Insufficient water
- Too much competition
- Late planting
Rotting Bulbs
- Poor drainage
- Overwatering
- Soil-borne diseases
- Planting too deep
Yellow Leaves
- Natural maturation
- Nutrient deficiency
- Root damage
- Disease
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the best time to plant garlic?
Plant garlic in fall, about 4-6 weeks before the ground freezes. In most regions, this is between September and November.
Can I grow garlic in containers?
Yes, you can grow garlic in containers at least 6 inches deep with good drainage. Use high-quality potting soil and ensure consistent moisture.
How long does it take garlic to grow?
Garlic takes about 8-9 months from planting to harvest. Plant in fall for a summer harvest the following year.