How to Grow Garlic: Complete Growing Guide

Quick Summary

Growing garlic is a rewarding process that takes about 8-9 months. Plant individual cloves in fall, about 6 inches apart and 2 inches deep, in well-draining soil. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, and harvest when the leaves begin to yellow and die back in summer.

What You'll Need


  • Garden trowel or spade
  • Garden fork
  • Watering can or hose
  • Garden gloves


  • Garlic bulbs (seed garlic)
  • Well-draining soil
  • Compost or organic matter
  • Mulch (straw or leaves)

Choosing Your Garlic

Hardneck Varieties

  • Better for cold climates
  • Produces flower stalks (scapes)
  • Larger cloves, stronger flavor
  • Shorter storage life

Softneck Varieties

  • Better for mild climates
  • No flower stalks
  • More cloves per bulb
  • Longer storage life
Pro Tip: Buy seed garlic from a reputable supplier rather than using grocery store garlic, which may be treated with growth inhibitors.

Planting Instructions

1. Prepare the Soil

  1. Choose a sunny location
  2. Dig soil to 6-8 inches deep
  3. Mix in compost or aged manure
  4. Ensure good drainage
Pro Tip: Garlic prefers slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

2. Prepare the Cloves

  1. Break apart garlic bulbs
  2. Select largest, healthiest cloves
  3. Keep papery covering intact
  4. Plant within 24 hours of separation

3. Plant the Cloves

  1. Space cloves 6 inches apart
  2. Plant 2 inches deep
  3. Point tip upward
  4. Cover with soil
  5. Apply 2-3 inches of mulch

Caring for Your Garlic


  • Keep soil consistently moist
  • Water deeply when dry
  • Reduce watering when leaves yellow
  • Stop watering 2 weeks before harvest


  • Apply balanced fertilizer in spring
  • Side-dress with nitrogen monthly
  • Stop fertilizing when bulbs begin forming


  • Remove weeds regularly
  • Maintain mulch layer
  • Cut off flower stalks (scapes)
  • Watch for pests and disease

Harvesting and Storage

When to Harvest

  • Lower leaves begin yellowing
  • Top 5-6 leaves still green
  • Usually in mid-summer
  • Check one bulb first

Harvesting Steps

  1. Loosen soil with fork
  2. Gently pull plants
  3. Keep roots and stems attached
  4. Handle bulbs carefully

Curing and Storage

  1. Brush off excess soil
  2. Hang in bundles or lay on screens
  3. Keep in warm, dry, well-ventilated area
  4. Cure for 2-3 weeks
  5. Store in cool, dry place

Common Problems and Solutions

Small Bulbs

  • Poor soil fertility
  • Insufficient water
  • Too much competition
  • Late planting

Rotting Bulbs

  • Poor drainage
  • Overwatering
  • Soil-borne diseases
  • Planting too deep

Yellow Leaves

  • Natural maturation
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Root damage
  • Disease

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to plant garlic?

Plant garlic in fall, about 4-6 weeks before the ground freezes. In most regions, this is between September and November.

Can I grow garlic in containers?

Yes, you can grow garlic in containers at least 6 inches deep with good drainage. Use high-quality potting soil and ensure consistent moisture.

How long does it take garlic to grow?

Garlic takes about 8-9 months from planting to harvest. Plant in fall for a summer harvest the following year.